Monday, May 21, 2012

First Chapter

Okay, Hi!!!! this is the first chapter of a book I'm working on. If you have any comments please tell me what
you think. this is just a first ruff draft but its a beginning.


Chapter 1

It was cold and dark out that night. The night before Kate's life seemed to end. She ran down dark allies and side streets. Will was trying to avoid main streets, streets where they would be more exposed, as much as possible. It felt like all the fear that was built up inside her was about to boil over and incapacitate her. but she had to be strong, she ha to be brave. she couldn't let her king down, now not when they were so close. They were almost to the houses that had been decided on. Surely she could make it one more day. But she would have to stop soon. "Will, Will, we have to stop, I..." Kate paused to take a breath and then went on. "I cant go on like this we have to stop and rest at least for a few hours." Will turned his head to look at her and then nodded once. He turned into a different street and then ducked into a tiny corner. By the time Kate crawled in next to him, Will had already unslung his pack and checked to make sure that the little child it contained, was still wrapped securely in soft blankets. Kate did the same and then let her head fall back against the brick wall behind her. She closed her eyes and focused on relaxing individual parts of her aching body. "Will?" She said exhaustion seeping into her voice "Hmmm...." Will's breathing was just as labored as hers. "I think you should tell me what the prophecy said." "Kate for the hundredth time, you know I'm not allowed to." Kate sighed and nodded, not opening her eyes. She had known he wouldn't tell her, but she just couldn't understand what would make Shinos send away his only children to a foreign land, totally unprotected to grow up not knowing who they were. If they were in danger, wouldn't they be safer in their own country. If their was a traitor in the court why not just banish or kill him? The questions buzzed around her head as her mind groped for unconscious.
              "Up, we must fly!" an urgent voice sounded in Kate's ear. she sat up and blinked at the early morning sun streaming down through the sleeping city, to there little hideaway corner. "Hurry, hurry!" Will was pulling her to her feet. Kate looked around dazed and confused. "What, what's wrong?" Kate glanced down at the at the little packs full of soft blankets and sleeping children, and then pack up to Wills hard face. "Iwas a fool." he hissed through his teeth. "They are much closer than I had thought. And we now have no choice than to fly if we want to out run them, and we must out run them." Kate gasped "What, we cant do that. Everyone will see." "I don't think so its only four a.m. and humans need a lot of sleep. But we will have to go very high just in case." Kate started to say something but Will was already changing. His skin turned a light shade of pink, His dark hair had little tendrils of green running through it, and his eye's turned to blue fire. Huge, beautiful, wings sprouted from his back. Kate was not far behind him, her slightly darker skin was stark against her pale clothes. they both sung the small packs across the chests and took off! A tiny fist found its way out of thick blanket thumped softly against Kate collar bone the tattoo of a lion with rose vines covering his golden fur was only visible for the briefest of seconds.
           Kate turned the scream in her throat trying to claw its way out, trying to rip its self through her locked jaw. They were closer. She could see them clearly even black against  black as they were. Their were twenty of them at least. And she was alone, Will could not help her. They had split up so that the creatures following them would get confused and because it would take far to long to go to both houses together. Kate felt lighter with the small pack gone, but she ached to have it back. How could she know if they had see her stop there? If they had.... She stopped she could not allow herself to go there. They would be fine, they had to be fine. Sharak had no idea where to look. She repeated that to her self as she flew, as she prepared for the fight she knew she couldn't possibly win. She looked over her shoulder again, closer. She looked down at the ground far below her. Open country met her eyes, field after rolling field, and then a stream. Kate angled down, she would meet them on the ground were there was dirt and grass and were roses could grow.
Cloe Mulberry stepped out of her car, and smiling took her husbands arm. they walked up the short steps to their porch and then stopped, there was a small leather backpack leaning against their front door. But the bag had no cover and it seamed to be overflowing with blankets Cloe leaned down and pulled away the top blanket, and then gasped in surprise. There nestled snugly into the blankets was a tiny baby fast asleep.